Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 28: Beyond Categorization

I'm sorry that this post is a little late. Recall awhile back I polled my loyal readers regarding which book I should read? I have gone with The Hawk and the Dove, which is fascinating so far, and The Happiest Toddler on the Block because my daughter is starting to push me to create some sort of coherent discipline regime. I continue to be interested in the exchanges amongst my Facebook universe between the hawks (happy that Osama met his maker) and the doves (throwing that same MLK quote around about never rejoicing in the death of others). Put me in the hawk category. I missed Hitler's demise, so this is the next best thing. God Save the Kinks. I have not played my PS3 in a long time. As I have been reviewing my students for the upcoming AP Exam (Friday) in U.S. History, I've been interested in how influential George Washington's Farewell Address (no foreign entanglements) was for the next 100 years or so on our foreign policy (isolationism). In fact, that is usually the only Washington question on the AP Exam. My 7th period pissed me off yesterday. They shall suffer the consequences today. I am preparing my own personal Greatest Artists list to counter Rolling Stone. Yesterday at Day Care, my daughter was battling with two other kids for the same toy. A three-way battle that set off a chain reaction of biting. She got bit by one kid, and she turned around and instead of biting back, she bit the 3rd child. The Day Care lady told me that she was acting like "a diva" yesterday. Probably not a compliment? I must read that book. I have not been to a movie theater in over a year. The new Stevie Nicks album is quite good. Review soon. I will post some good toddler photos soon too. Dammit, I think Miami might win the title. I am enjoying this season of Survivor. Outer Space is cool.

There, I have written a post using every one of my categories. But I was just informed the combined length of all labels for a single post must be 200 characters or less. So, I will list the labels here within the post: Apologies; Books; Cultural Observations; Dez Hall of Fame; Games; GNABB Cemetary; Great Speeches From American History; History; Kids These Days; Lists; Love and Marriage; Movies; Music; Photos; Politics; Polls; Space and Science; Sports; TV.


ANCIANT said...

I want to hear more about your daughter, and the biting. Then, what your class did to piss you off.

Also, how it was written, it seems like you're making your own list of Top Artists as a way to punish your class for whatever they did. Which I kind of think is hilarious.

Dezmond said...

I think she is just asserting some independence, as children this age tend to do. For instance, when I pick her up from Day Care, she no longer wants to be carried out to the car. She insists on walking on her own. Biting is also, apparently, fairly common behavior. I am reading that book and it is giving me some good suggestions on curbing that type of behavior. Most of the time, she has a pleasant disposition and is very playful in a good way. The book makes a good point that toddlers are basically like cavemen. They have primitive minds and no impulse control, and their emotions dominate over reason.

My 7th period was not taking the AP prep as seriously as my other classes. That's all. I gave each student 30 lashes. And then forced them to take notes on my Top 100 Artists. Test on Monday.

JMW said...

Dez, whenever I hear your teaching stories, I feel almost exactly torn between feeling like your students are lucky to have you and feeling like you're a terrifying force that could destroy whatever's left of the educational system. It's strange.