Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber

Not that it makes that much difference, but I think that McCain had his best debate performance in this last one. I enjoyed: "I'm not George Bush. If you wanted to run against Bush, you should have run four years ago." Good line, and Obama backed off on his tired McCain-Bush comparisons.

But forget the debate. I'm interested in Joe the Plumber. Recall that Joe the Plumber was caught on camera asking Obama about tax increases for business owners while Obama was gladhanding on the campaign trail several days back. In the debate last night, McCain decided to take up the cause of Joe the Plumber, and Obama and McCain proceeded to discuss Joe's problems for what seemed to be about thirty minutes. Now Joe the Plumber is famous. And he's a political philosopher. The media has swarmed Joe's house, and Joe seems all too happy to discuss the issues of the day on camera.

Here's Joe on Social Security...

I also heard him speak at length on welfare, energy and technology.

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