Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nixon Returns

I've always been a big fan of Richard Nixon. My students joke with me because I am often defending him. Partly because it is a fun challenge and drives my students crazy, but Nixon did some good things. So I am a bit pleased to see just how Nixonian the Obama administration has become.

The Justice Department asking for phone records from the AP to investigate "security leaks"? Ah, feels like the good old days of about '72 or so and CREEP. Plug those leaks. As Tricky Dick used to say, "it's national security."

Sending the IRS after your political enemies? That was a favorite of Nixon and LBJ as well. Obama and his administration are shocked. "I'm shocked. I'm shocked that there is gambling going on here." "Here's your winnings sir." "Oh thank you."

And Bengazi. Changing the story to avoid political damage? That was Nixon and LBJ throughout Vietnam.

It is sort of nice to see the Nixon legacy live on. Oh, and a healthy disdain for any attempts to investigate and search for the truth.

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