It really had to happen this way, didn’t it? When dealing with Axl Rose, you almost expect something like this. As most of you know, Guns ‘n Roses will be one of the inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this Saturday night in Cleveland. Ever since their induction was announced last year, speculation has run rampant as to whether the original line-up would reunite for a performance at the ceremony. It is true that Axl is on tour with “Guns ‘n Roses,” his current 37 or so member line-up. But still, for the Rockhall, maybe he and Slash could bury the hatchet for a night and celebrate their accomplishments.
Once the often conflicting statements from the original members started flying and all of the dirt started to resurface, hopes of a reunion dimmed. The most one could hope for now was that they would at least stand next to each other at the podium. Afterall, Axl has participated before, giving the induction speech for Elton John.
But no. Axl fired off a lengthy letter to the Rock Hall, not only declining to attend, but specifically asking that he not be included as an inductee. This is a first. There have been no-shows before, like Van Morrison, Peter Gabriel (for Genesis), most of Van Halen (David Lee Roth refused to show when he could not agree with Velvet Revolver, Slash’s band, on which Van Halen tunes to play at the ceremony), and most notoriously the Sex Pistols, who sent a funny letter (calling the Rockhall a “piss stain”) that was read from the podium by Jann Wenner. But Axl is the first inductee to specifically request that he NOT be inducted. He states: “I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf.” First of all, I am surprised that he knows the word “in absentia.” Secondly, what a little brat.
Undeterred, the Rockhall has responded that they regret Axl will not be present to accept his induction, so it appears he will be inducted against his will. The full text of the letter, in which he lays out his reasons, which mainly can be boiled down to the fact that he hates the former members of Guns ‘n Roses and they have done him wrong recently with all of their statements to the media and he feels his current line-up should also be inducted, can be read here. It is a link to the FutureRockLegends site, with the text of the letter and their usual excellent analysis.
My take is this. Axl has every right to do what he wishes with his legacy. He can burnish it to a fine sparkling finish or he can take a whiz on it (actually, the latter may be truer to the spirit of Rock and Roll anyway. I read one article about this controversy that supports Axl, saying he is the last real rock star). But this is bigger than just Axl, bigger than just Guns ‘n Roses. When you are honored in such a way, in a way that means a lot to the fans and people who helped get you there, you show up and accept the honor. You don’t have to play music with the guys again, but you can stand up there for a couple of awkward minutes, say “thanks,” pick up your statue and then gracefully leave. It is a moment, a night, to look back on what you accomplished and how what you did effected the history of this great music. Stand up and take your place, it is as much about honoring all of those already inducted as it is yourself, honoring the whole picture. This music gave you this life that you have now. Where the hell would Axl Rose be today if not for rock and roll? He does praise and congratulate his fellow inductees, and he even awkwardly ends the letter by thanking the fans and Rockhall for the honor, even though he has just finished rejecting it. Your actions speak louder than your words do, bud. He will never admit it, but I bet down the road, when tempers have cooled, he will look back on this as a lost opportunity to celebrate what he accomplished.
Meant to say that I disagree with your conclusion. He should just suck it up and play nice because why? Because Jann and his minions want him to? Talk about un-rock n' roll.
I know, that is an equally valid conclusion. It is much more rock and roll to give the institution the finger. But rock is dead anyway, so Axl is pissing in the wind at this point. And weakening Axl's stance is that he has played nice with them before, giving the induction speech for Elton John.
There is some satisfaction, though, in that Jann supposedly REALLY loves G'nR and was hoping for a reunion for his HoF show.
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