Friday, September 19, 2008

Hole in the Wall

This sounds really stupid, but the other night my wife and I watched an hour of the new game show "Hole in the Wall" on Fox. You could call it Human Tetris. This is the latest game show import from Japan to be Americanized. One team of three people dressed in silver spandex competes against another team likewise dressed. They stand on this line while a huge, styrofoam wall with strange cutouts races towards them. They have to conform themselves to fit through the holes, or else they will collide with the wall and get swept into a pool of water. That is the entire game. For an hour. Yet we kept watching, especially as a team of midgets competed against a team of female bodybuilders (the midgets won). And then in a surreal scene, the midgets essentially sexually assaulted the hot female commentator during their victory celebrations. There were three of them, so they were able to tackle her to the ground and roll around with her in jubilation as she screamed in an odd combination of amusement and terror. I think we will definitely be watching again next week.

Here's a taste...


Unknown said...

I don't know, Dez. This show is pretty terrible...even by my standards. I actually watch it on my computer at work, because it's very easy to have on while I am doing mundane tasks. But, I can't imagine ever sitting down at home specifically to watch it.

What none of these contestants have figured out yet is that you don't have to make the exact just have to get through the hole. Many times, it seems it would be much easier just to make yourself very small and slip thnrough the hole rather than contorting your body into some bizarre shape to match the cutout. But, I am clearly putting too much thought into this.

Johannes said...


Johannes said...

.... I mean,.. the way that enormous lady tries to assume that tai chi position and then just busts through it and flops over into the water sans dignity.... Oh man, I'm a sucker for slapstick.