Saturday, September 13, 2014

Should Scotland Vote For Independence?

Should they break up the UK? Bowie says no. Sean Connery says yes. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Yes, they should vote for independence if they wish to become a vassal state of China

JMW said...

I forget: Constitutionally, who breaks a tie between Bowie and Connery? Sporty Spice?

ANCIANT said...

I watched a report on the issue on PBS; I'm still not totally sure why Scotland wants to break away. They're already fairly autonomous, it seems. I don't know. No real opinion either way.

Cafe Grotesque said...

An independent Scotland worries me mainly because it could bring a greater trend toward decentralization in general. As others have mentioned, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, and pretty much any other geographic area with a minority restive population could call for a referendum to split, declare independence, etc.

When Kosovo was detached, it set precedent. Other places such as Ukraine are now suffering from that precedent. Ultimately, if enough precedents are set, it's goodby Texas and California.