Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dead Pool Results

I doubt you recall, but last July I posted about a Dead Pool that I was involved in with a good friend, KE. Original post is here. Briefly, a Dead Pool is a betting pool on celebrity deaths. We set it up with one point per death on our roster, and 2 points if the person was under 50. We had a draft, with 20 slots each. You could drop and add, but no more than 20 people on each roster at any given time and you had to have at least two people under 50.

Things started with a bang, so to speak, the day after the draft I knocked off Andy Griffith. But within the week, KE hit back hard with a little Ernest Borgnine. Things settled down a bit after that, though. The results...

Dez was victorious with a 5-2 score for the year.

Dez: RIP Andy Griffith, Hugo Chavez, Michael C. Duncan, Arlen Spector and George McGovern.

KE: RIP Ernest Borgnine and Margaret Thatcher.

It was fun, but I don't think we are going for a year two. JMW, you mentioned that you are involved in one of these things. How have you done?

ABOVE: I know that Fidel Castro has been dying for about two decades, but I thought 2012-13 might be the season, so I drafted him in the fifth round. Nope. He's still around, allegedly.

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