Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2011 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees

The nominees for the Class of 2011 of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have been announced. I don’t know how to feel about this batch. The powers that be seem to be increasing the number of nominees, but have not said anything about how many of these nominees will be inducted. If they follow the precedent of recent years, it will be five of these fifteen nominees.

The nominees are: Alice Cooper (the band), Beastie Boys, Bon Jovi, Chic, Neil Diamond, Donovan, Dr. John, J. Geils Band, LL Cool J, Darlene Love, Laura Nyro, Donna Summer, Joe Tex, Tom Waits and Chuck Willis.

As a refresher: to be eligible for the Hall of Fame, at least 25 years must have passed since the release of your first album or single. The criteria is rather vague, for the longest time it was stated as having “a significant impact on the evolution, development and perpetuation of rock and roll.” More recently, the Rockhall has added that “We shall consider factors such as an artist's musical influence on other artists, length and depth of career and the body of work, innovation and superiority in style and technique, but musical excellence shall be the essential qualification of induction.” Whatever the hell that means. Does it just come down to the personal preferences of the Nominating Committee? The Nominating Committee is comprised of industry insiders (for a more detailed discussion of the Nominating Committee politics, check out my post here). Then approximately 500 voters (industry insiders, critics, other Rockhall inductees) vote on the inductees. The actual inductees will be announced probably sometime in December or January, with the induction ceremony occurring in March of 2011. This process is for the main “Performer” category (which is the one that most people focus on). There are also specialized committees who choose inductees in “Early Influence,” “Sidemen” and “Non-Performer” categories.

ABOVE: Will Neil Diamond be inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011?...

ABOVE:...or will it be Dr. John?

ABOVE: Or perhaps Alice Cooper?

First, the good. With 15 nominees, they can afford to be eclectic. We’ve got singer songwriters, a New Orleans legend, psychedelia, rap, disco, soul, shock rock and mainstream pop/rock all represented in this group. Some have been nominated before (such as Beastie Boys, Chic, LL Cool J, Laura Nyro, Donna Summer, Joe Tex), and there are some first time nominees as well (Alice Cooper, Neil Diamond, Bon Jovi, Donovan, Tom Waits).

Now the bad. Genres and entire time periods are still woefully underrepresented in the Rockhall, and this list of nominees does not really rectify some of the Hall’s glaring problems. Beyond Genesis (who got in last year) and arguably Pink Floyd, prog rock as a genre is still MIA. With groups like Yes, Rush, King Crimson and The Moody Blues yet to even be nominated, that is inexcusable. The Committee’s failure to understand or appreciate the 80’s music scene continues. Bon freakin’ Jovi? Really? That is the token 80’s nomination (beyond rap)? Crucial 80’s movers and shakers like The Cure, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, Peter Gabriel, Sonic Youth and others remain on the outside. Hell, even a band like Motley Crue at least influenced a genre that exploded in the second half of the decade. Stevie Ray Vaughan, who would seem a shoe-in, has yet to be nominated despite loud protest. Metal also continues to get the shaft. Other than Black Sabbath and Metallica, metal is mostly ignored. How about Motorhead, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc.? All are yet to be nominated. But you give us Bon Jovi?

ABOVE: Bon Jovi? Really?

So, I am both pleased with a decent list and frustrated by infuriating snubs that continue to challenge the relevance of the Rockhall.

Assuming that they will still induct five artists, I will give you my predictions of who will get in out of this group, and then who I would like to see get in. With 15 nominees, this is really a shot in the dark as far as predictions are concerned, but here goes. I think that the following artists will be inducted for 2011:

* Beastie Boys (they’ve been on the ballot recently, and it is time for another rap inductee)

* Neil Diamond (finally nominated, respected as a great songwriter despite the cheese factor)

* Alice Cooper (one of the more egregious snubs until now, Alice Cooper [the band] will get in on their first ballot)

* Tom Waits (Leonard Cohen surprised a few years back by getting inducted, Waits is even more respected and better known)

* Donna Summer (nominated several times, Summer was one of the most important disco artists of the late 70’s. The Bee Gees are in, so she will finally get in too)

Who I would like to see get in:

* Alice Cooper (along with KISS, Alice Cooper brought a sense of shock theater to rock and roll in the 70’s. Crucial early influence on glam rock)

* Beastie Boys (it is time to move cautiously ahead with honoring more groundbreakers in rap)

* Neil Diamond (a great songwriter, superstar of the 70’s, and the cheese factor works mostly to his advantage actually)

* Donovan (underrated pop/folk/psychedelic craftsman from the 60’s and early 70’s. He is a longshot to make it in this crowded field, but I am glad to see him at least nominated. I think he made some of the finest music of the 1960’s)

* Tom Waits (one of our great songwriters and a critic’s darling)

What are your thoughts on the nominees this year? Predictions? To see a full list of the Rock Hall Inductees by year, go to their website here. I have been working with a fellow group of Rockhall obsessives over the summer at futurerocklegends.com in creating our own, alternate universe, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We voted for each induction “year” once a week over the summer, and of course discussed and argued. Check out our picks here. Ours is better.

ABOVE: Although unlikely, Dez hopes that Donovan makes it in the Class of 2011. Above is Donovan (right) hanging out with Hall of Famer Bob Dylan.


Anonymous said...

I'm unfamiliar with this phrase "cheese factor" that you use. Judging by the context, however, I am guessing that it means "completely awesome"! And, I agree.

JMW said...

I'm fine with Bon Jovi being nominated (and eventually getting in). This isn't an indie rock hall of fame -- those guys have been making big-selling records for almost 30 years! Otherwise, I just take my usual joy in watching you fulminate about the RRHOF.

I went to that link about the alternative hall of fame you're doing with those dudes. Would love to read your pieces -- seems a little hard to navigate, though.

Dezmond said...

I am not so against the induction of Bon Jovi on their own terms, it is more that when you look at what other 80's acts are still not in or even nominated, the fact that they would love on to Bon Jovi is embarassing. The Smiths, Cure, Sonic Youth, Relacements, Depeche Mode, Devo, The Cars and many others yet to be nominated. (Or even mainstream hitmakers from earlier in the decade like Duran Duran would be appropriate). That is what is irritating. A lack of understanding of the 80's.

JMW said...

Dez, your list of '80s bands that haven't been nominated is kind of stunning, and of course they deserve recognition ahead of Bon Jovi. This is why the HOF is such a joke!! Why don't you start your own -- for real?? Get a few people together on a board, and do it.