Monday, February 9, 2009

In the Year One of GNABB

Blogging is a funny thing. Self indulgent, sure, but you hope that you can keep things interesting enough for people to come back day after day. Looking back over the 160 posts that I've written over the last year, you can see that I tend to gravitate towards music and movies. No surprise there. Although I've made an effort to mix things up as much as possible with some politics, cultural observations, sports and random news stories worth noting.

I joke about it, but it really was easier to keep the new material coming when I was unemployed or semi-employed. Doing the blogging/working/family thing is tough. But I will do my best to serve my dozens, nay, thousands of readers in the coming year.

What have you liked the most? Judging from how many comments the posts get, it seems that politics brings out the most discussion. Even though the election is over, things are interesting enough to where I think politics will continue to be a topic of discussion here at GNABB. And people will continue to die, so I can indulge my hobby of obituary writing.

I had planned on writing a great one year retrospective post, with lots of links. But I'd rather look forward and concentrate on the new stuff. You can look back and read the best of GNABB at your leisure if you are interested.

A few random notes:

* Barack Obama is a socialist
* The Kinks finally released a six disc, career spanning retrospective that you should buy (entitled Picture Box)
* The 3rd seasons of both "Friday Night Lights" and "Big Love" are making already amazing shows even more rich and rewarding. This last week's "Friday Night Lights" had me in tears. What stunningly good television. And is there a creepier villain on TV than Harry Dean Stanton's Roman Grant on "Big Love"?


pockyjack said...

I would not say that Obama is a socialist. I will say that he is woefully naive. Trying to build a "consensus" so everyone will "feel good", he has lost control of his own party and now the Republicans don't trust his ability to force actual compromise. The best thing that could happen to Obama is for at least one of the houses of Congress to go Republican in 2010.

Hillary was right, his rhetoric is only going so far. He needs actual leadership experience. Hopefully, it will come.

Anonymous said...

What moved you in the Friday Night Lights episode? It is an excellent show. One of the best on right now.

Dezmond said...

The resolution of the Brian "Smash" Williams storyline. The show has delicately constructed characters over three seasons, and the scene when Smash shows up at Taylor's doorstep to tell him about A&M, that scene had EARNED its emotion over building this relationship over three seasons. Brilliant show.

Johannes said...

" The Kinks finally released a six disc, career spanning retrospective that you should buy (entitled Picture Box)"

The funniest word in that sentence is "finally."