Sunday, February 13, 2011

An Anniversary and Baby Pics

A notable anniversary passed on February 9th that I forgot to commemorate. February 9th marked GNABB's 3rd year anniversary. I know the frequency of the posts has fluctuated from time to time, but I thank my loyal reader(s) who continue to check back here regularly and comment (or just read).

Here's February's cuteness quota...

ABOVE: That whiteness in the background is in fact snow in San Antonio.

ABOVE: Baby and Winston engaged in intense battle over the prized ball

ABOVE: She loves this stupid ass ball machine. Loves it. Over and over and over again.

ABOVE: She's already racked up a high cell phone bill

ABOVE: She really enjoys taking objects out of where they need to be. Laundry from the laundry basket, books from the bookshelf, CDs from Daddy's cases, etc.

ABOVE: Dez sledding down the street on snow day


dre said...

These are great. What do you think of the protests in Wisconsin?

JMW said...

That has to be the most pathetic snow day I've ever seen. You must have ruined your sled on the asphalt.

The kid is adorable.

And congrats on the 3rd anniversary. Long may GNABB wave.

kentucky cat said...

Happy Birthday, ELLA !!!!!!!!!!