I'm never that interested to hear about other people's babies, which is why I have kept my own baby talk to a minimum here at GNABB. Why would you want to hear me talk about my baby when you can instead read about Jeff Beck and my NBA playoff predictions? But, once a month it wouldn't be a bad idea to update you with some photographic cuteness. Since I take about 500,000 pictures of her each month (damn those digital cameras!), I will probably show you the best of them once a month here. That's not too much "other people's baby stuff" for you, is it?
She is a pretty happy baby, overall. Thank God she generally sleeps through the night. We are starting to see hints of a voluntary smile (they first smile involuntarily), and she makes a lot more noises this month than last. She also travels well (as in, sleeps when you put her in the carseat and take her out anywhere.) She has already ventured out to Wallmart, the grocery store and Home Depot. Slept through them all. Anyway, this month's cuteness...
ABOVE: This is her daily dose of "tummy time." A highlight of her day. She cannot crawl yet, but she tries. It is kind of cute watching her legs try and propel her forward without success. Good exercise. She can also lift her head for short periods of time. Eventually she gets tired of this and cries.
ABOVE: I like this one a lot. The expression on her face tells me that she has just done something scandalous.
ABOVE: In a serious mood. Contemplating the pros and cons of Obama's health care plan and what it will mean for her and future generations.
ABOVE: Flirting with my Dad
That is serious cuteness. Keep it comin'...
Those are wonderful. I can't wait to meet her in person.
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